how to reset skill points in ESO?

The Elder Scrolls Online is an option game. When you cross Tamriel, you will complete various tasks and improve your character. Each level will provide you a different number of skill points that you can use to learn new skills. There are some non-identical skill lines to select from, and sooner or later.

some of you will find that you have developed your character in the Elder Scrolls Online by mistake. You may desire to learn about different types of weapons or armors, or just redistribute skill points for it.

Many players of the Elder Scrolls Online have asked the question on the internet is that how do I reset skills points in ESO? Also, players ask that how to reset the character attributes in the ESO role play game. Many player of the ESO is thinking that there is no way to reset skill points in ESO.

Also, we can tell you the reason behind this thinking is that solely the primary few zones being obtainable throughout stress tests. Furthermore, only the last beta giving access to the tier three-zone is another reason for the above wrong thinking of players.

Reasons to reset Skill points in ESO

As you all payers of ESO know that the cost of resetting is quite high. Before you respect it, you should think about it once with a cool mind. If you invest in skill lines that you will never use, I suggest you to redistribute your skill points in ESO.

As an example, if you have invested some skill points in a two-handed weapon But now you have decided to switch to dual-wielding. If you don’t use this weapon, all the points on the skill line of the two-handed weapon are useless.

Reset skill points in ESO

Obviously, you can redistribute the skill points in the ESO. You should visit the rededication shrine in ESO where you will be able to reset skill points. You have to pay in the gold according to the level of your character. Also, it depends on the number of skill points of the character and previously how many times you have reseted your character skill points.
At the below list of town given where you find the rededication shrine zone.

  • Elden Root city in Grahtwood
  • Wayrest city in Stormhaven
  • Mournhold city in Deshaan

Once you reach at level 15 or above general quest will guide you to reach this shrine zone. If you want to reset the skill points before reaching at level 15 then you can reach this zone simply by the road.
When you will reach any zone of the above, in each zone you will find 3 shrine in each zone. Here is the name of three shrine zones. Reset Attributes, Reset Skills, and Get benefits from Rings of Mara.

Here, you have not to go to the shrines of MARA because there you will not be able to do anything like resetting the skills or attributes in ESO. It is only for the getting to marry another player. Don’t worry still have 2 shrines out of 3 where you can reset the skill points and attributes also. According to your location, one shrine will let you reset only attributes and another one allow you to reset skill points and morphs both.